Kwik-Wall, the emerging industry leader in operable partition and interior movable walls, is committed to CSI!

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Kwik-Wall welcomed this year’s CSI  National Conference attendees at the registration table. Our many interactions with members confirmed that specifiers welcome manufacturers’ input to create reliable performance specs for their projects. Especially for products like operable partitions and movable glass walls that are not found on every project like other commodity-based construction products. And of course, Kwik-Wall and our network of distributors are here to help.

Kwik-Wall has been manufacturing high-quality, acoustically rated operable partitions since 1961, offering welded steel  framed 3000 and 2000 series panels that provide a plethora of current, designer finish options, industry-best, certified sound control, and maximum layout flexibility.

In June 2023, Kwik-Wall Company obtained the intellectual property rights to HUFCOR products and is actively offering the Hufcor 600 Series partitions for specific market segments and performance requirements.

The addition of the HUFCOR 600 Series by Kwik-Wall gives architects, specifiers, and end-users enhanced options, especially for convention center and hospitality clients.


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By listing Kwik-Wall as the basis of design or as an approved supplier, you will get the best Kwik-Wall, and now, Hufcor by Kwik-Wall product offerings to meet your projects’ performance criteria.

Need assistance in selecting the right performance characteristics?

An additional operable partition market change that all specifiers should be aware of is Kwik-Wall’s new Luminous® line of movable glass walls.

Luminous interior commercial partitions offer the most robust lineup of glass wall products available from any operable partition manufacturer! 

Stella                               Luna                          Illona


From the fully automated self-locating programmable capability and 50 STC acoustical performance of  STELLA™LUNA™ sliding, folding top and bottom supported systems with 43 STC; Ultra sleek, single-glazed ILLONA™ in multiple configurations, the Kwik-Wall Luminous line offers premier aesthetics along with key performance options that specifiers are looking for. Luminous AVA™ frameless model and MATA™ timber-framed products round out the Kwik-Wall Luminous movable glass wall offering – more performance features than any other operable wall manufacturer today. 

Click for more info on Luminous Glass Walls

Kwik-Wall launches more tools in 2025!

 Download online specs Here

KWIK-WALL COMPANY • 4650 Industrial Ave., Springfield, IL 62703 • • 800.280.5945  © 2023 Kwik-Wall Company. All rights reserved.

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